
Men's Prayer Breakfast

Be a part of the Saturday morning Men's Prayer Breakfast. Every fourth Saturday of the month at 8:30 AM, there will be fellowship, food, a Bible study/devotion and prayer. We are currently meeting in the Fellowship Hall of Ascension Lutheran Church. All men are welcome. Just let the church office know that you are planning on attending so he can plan for the food. Thank you!


Tuesday Morning Bible Study

On Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM, from late August/early September through May, a group of women meet in the Fellowship Hall to delve into the Word.  Armed with their Bibles, a leader to take charge of the discussions and a big pot of coffee within arm's reach, these ladies cover anything from the previous Sunday's readings to whatever is going on around them in the world that affects them or their families.  By seeking the answers to all of life's challenges and by studying the lives of those men and women of God from long ago, this group finds the connections that keep them linked to God and to each other.  You are invited to come and taste the flavor of this Bible study!

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning, almost without exception, the children and youth of the congregation meet at 9:30 AM for special classes just for their age groups. Children ranging from three years of age up through high school study stories of the Bible, do activities that reinforce the lesson of the day, and sing praises. And, of course, there are snacks. . .Visitors are invited to join these kids as they learn of the love of their Savior and prepare to spread the message to everyone they know.

Adult Bible Study

Studying the Word of God is not something that ends when one is no longer a child - it continues into adulthood until one is old and wise, at which time, one knows they will never know it all and there is still so much more to learn! 

Such is the premise upon which the adult Bible Study on Sunday mornings is based.  Studies and discussions are led by Elders of the congregation, the Pastor, and guest speakers who are sometimes on site.  From Genesis to Revelation; from Luther to Confessions to the Book of Concord; from the basis of the Liturgy to learning to discern false teachings from Truth, the Adult Bible Study covers a lot of ground.  Everyone is invited to join the adults every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM as they are fed both physically with coffee and fellowship, and with the Word for their soul food.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes are held during the Sunday School hour at 9:30 AM. Classes meet in the Library throughout the school year and youth in 6th through 8th grades are taught by Mrs. Carla Jo Peebles and Mrs. Stephanie Lee. Please ensure your youth attend the classes so they become knowledgeable about the doctrine of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the Scripture's teachings. 

Someone once wrote in the Book of Concord, the Large Catechism, Longer Preface, 15-18: "What else are such proud, arrogant saints doing who are unwilling to read and study the catechism daily? They think they are much more learned than God Himself with all His saints, angels, prophets, apostles and all Christians. God Himself is not ashamed to teach these things daily. He knows nothing better to teach. He always keeps teaching the same thing and does not take up anything new or different. All the saints know nothing better or different to learn and cannot finish learning this. Are we not the finest of all fellows to imagine that if we have once read or heard the catechism, we know it all and have no further need to read and learn? Can we finish learning in one hour what God Himself cannot finish teaching? He is engaged in teaching this from the beginning to the end of the world. All prophets, together with all saints, have been busy learning it, have ever remained students, and must continue to be students." 

Think about that!
