March 2, 2025 | "The Hidden Treasure - Revealed" | Based on the Gospel reading from Luke 9:28-36, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
February 23, 2025 | "Love My Who?" | Based on texts from Genesis 45:3-15 and Luke 6:27-38, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
February 16, 2025 | "Then There Were the Woes" | Based on the Gospel reading from Luke 6:17-26, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
February 9, 2025 | |||
February 2, 2025 | Recording Unavailable | "The Price of Redemption - Two Small Birds" | Based on the Scripture reading from Luke 2:22-32, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel |
January 26, 2025 | "What's in It for Me?" | Based on the text from Nehemiah 8 and Luke 4, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
January 19, 2025 | "The Signs Point to Jesus" | Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel. based on the text from John 2:1-11 | |
January 12, 2025 | "Arise and Shine" | Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel, based on the text from Isaiah 60:1-6 | |
January 5, 2025 | "Did You Not Know?" | Based on Gospel text from Luke 2:40-52, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel |
Worship Services at Ascension
2022 - 2024
December 29, 2024 | "We Have Seen His Glory" | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, based on the text from Luke 2:22-40 | |
December 22, 2024 | "The Middle of Nowhere" | Based on the text from Micah 2, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
December 15, 2024 | The Story of Jesus | Presented by the Children of the Sunday School | |
December 8, 2024 | "The Fire of God" | Based on Malachi 3:1-7b and the Gospel | |
December 1, 2024 | "Stump Life" | Based on the prophecy of Jeremiah 33:14-16 | |
November 24, 2024 | "He's Coming - Be Ready" | Based on the text from Mark 13:24-37, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
November 17, 2024 | |||
November 10, 2024 | "The Least, the Last and the Lost" | Based on OT reading from 1 Kings 17:8-16 and NT reading from Mark 12:38-44 | |
November 3, 2024 | "With Angels and Archangels and All the Company of Heaven" | Based on the text for All Saints' Day, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
October 27, 2024 | "This Doesn't Look Right" | Based on the text from Mark 13:24-37, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
October 20, 2024 | "Love and Trust. . .?" | Based on text from Mark 10:23-34, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
October 13, 2024 |
"What keeps YOU from Following Jesus?" | Based on the text from Mark 10:17-22, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel |
October 6, 2024 | "Hurter or Hurtee?" | Based on the text from Mark 10:2-16, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
September 29, 2024 |
St. Michael and All Angels |
"Angels, Demons and Spiritual Things" | Based on text from Luke 10:17-20, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel |
September 22, 2024 | "Follow the (Servant) Leader" | Based on the text from Mark 9:30-37, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
September 15, 2024 | "If You Can" | Based on the Gospel text from Mark 9:14-29, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
September 8, 2024 | "Ephphatha - Be Opened!" | Based on the text from the Gospel of Mark 7:24-37, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
September 1, 2024 | "Go Forth and Be Strong" | Based on Ephesians 6:10, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel; Confirmation Sunday | |
August 25, 2024 | "How Do You Worship?" | Based on the Texts from Isaiah 29:11-29 and Mark 7:1-13, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
August 18, 2024 | "You Are the Holy One of God - Where Else Can I Go?" | Based on the Gospel Reading from John 6:51-69. Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
August 11, 2024 |
"What Satisfies You?" Based on the text from John 6:35-51 |
Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
August 10, 2024 | Celebrating the Life in Christ of Stephanie Lynn Hunze Lee | Memorial Service with Rev. Tim Hunze presenting the message | |
August 4, 2024 | "Seek Jesus - Why?" |
Based on the Old Testament and Gospel lessons, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel
July 28, 2024 | "Water, Water, Everywhere. . ." | Based on Old Testament and Gospel texts, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
July 21, 2024 | "No Rest for the Weary" | Based on the Gospel text from Mark 6:30-44, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
July 14, 2024 | "Before You Promise Someone the World. . ." | Based on the readings of the day, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
July 7, 2024 | "When It's Not the Answer You Expected" | Based on the text from 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
June 30, 2024 | "Is It Pay Forward or Just the Right Thing to Do?" | Based on texts from 2 Corinthians 8 and Mark 5, Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
June 23, 2024 | "Who Is This?" | Based on text from Mark 4:35-41, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
June 16, 2024 | "The Kingdom of God Is. . ." | Based on the text from Mark 4:26-34, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
June 9, 2024 | "Ridding the Devil of Ransomed Souls" | Based on the text from Mark 3:20-35. Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
June 2, 2024 | "Rest and Remember" | Based on the text from Mark 2:23-3:6, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
May 26, 2024 | "Holy, Holy, Holy" | Based on the Gospel text for Trinity Sunday, John 3:1-17, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
May 19, 2024 | "The Mighty Works of God" | Based on the Epistle of Acts 2:1-21, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
May 12, 2024 | Based on the Gospel from John 17:11b-19, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | ||
May 5, 2024 | Based on readings from Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 1:15-23 and Luke 24:44-53; presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | ||
April 28, 2024 | Based on the Epistle and Gospel, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | ||
April 21, 2024 | Based on the text from the Gospel, presented by Burneal A. Fick, Elder | ||
April 14, 2024 | "Echoes and Footprints through the Bible" | Based on the text from Luke 24:36-39, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
April 7, 2024 | "Shaloam" | Based on the text from John 20:19-31, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
March 31, 2024 | "He Is Risen" | Based on the Gospel text from Mark 16:1-8, presented by Rev. Derek Waf | |
March 24, 2024 | "Premature Celebration" | Based on the Gospel text from John 12:20-43 | |
March 17, 2024 | "Will Ya Do Me a Favor?" | Based on the text from Mark 10:32-45, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
March 16, 2024 |
The Laudamus Touring Group from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO presenting "Not unto Us" OneLicense.net #A-713010 |
March 10, 2024 | "Snakes and Salvation" | Based on texts from Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-21 | |
March 3, 2024 | "You Can Do What?" | Based on text from John 2:13-22, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
February 25, 2024 | "Wearing the Cross Is Not the Same as Bearing the Cross" | Based on text from Mark 8:27-38, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
February 18, 2024 | "Repenting and Believing" | Based on the text from Mark 1:9-15, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
February 11, 2024 | "The Thing about Mountains" | Based on text from Mark 9:2-9, presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
February 4, 2024 |
"Not a People Pleaser" Based on the text from Mark 1:29-39 |
Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
January 28, 2024 |
"We Know Who You Are - Jesus - the Holy One of God" Based on text from Mark 1:24 |
Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
January 21, 2024 |
"Come, Follow Me" Based on text from Mark 1:14-20 |
Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel. | |
January 14, 2024 |
"Surprise!" Based on text from John 1:43-51 |
Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
January 7, 2024 |
"Drawn to the Light Which Thou Hast Blessed" Based on the Text from Matthew 2:2 |
Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
December 31, 2023 | "The Fullness of Time" based on the Epistle, Galatians 4:4-7 | Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
December 24, 2023 |
"Patience - Wait!"
Based on lessons from December 24 |
Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
December 18, 2023 | Cantata - "Behold a Savior!" | Presented by Adult Choir of Ascension Lutheran Church | |
December 17, 2023 | Sunday School/Youth Christmas Presentation | Presented by the children and youth of Ascension Lutheran Church | |
December 10, 2023 |
"What's Enough?"
Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
December 3, 2023 |
"Come Down and Reprove Those Sinners - Oh, Wait - We're Sinners, Too" Based on Isaiah 64:1-9 |
Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
November 26, 2023 | "Of Sheep and Goats," Based on Matthew 25:31-46 | Presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
November 19, 2023 | "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant," Based on text from Matthew 25:14-30 | Message presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
November 12, 2023 | "Being Prepared," Based on text from Gospel, Matthew 25 | Message presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
November 5, 2023 | All Saints' Day | Message presented by Rev. Derek Waffel | |
October 29, 2023 | Installation Service of Rev. Derek Waffel | Attended by Pastors of Circuit and Beyond with District President, Rev. Eric Johnson | |
October 29, 2023 | Reformation Service: A Real Halloween Scare: the Unforgiven Soul Dies Eternally | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
October 22, 2023 | Based on the Text from 1 Thessalonians 1:4 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
October 15, 2023 | "Gentle. The Color Is Green" | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
October 8, 2023 |
"Spiritual Mathematics" All the readings |
Presented by Rev. Keith Enko, Pastor Emeritus | |
October 1, 2023 |
"The Perfect Church" Philippians 2:1-8 |
Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
September 24, 2023 |
Me: "Grace Is So Unfair!" God: "Tell Me about It" Based on Matthew 10:15 |
Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
September 17, 2023 |
Forgiveness Is Easy - Or Is It" Based on Matthew18:21-35 |
Presented by Elders | |
September 10, 2023 | "How to Hug" | Rev. Keith Enko, Pastor Emeritus | |
September 3, 2023 |
"Take Up Your Cross" Based on Matthew 16:21-28 |
Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
August 27, 2023 |
"Who Do You Say I Am?" Based on Matthew 16:13-20 |
Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
August 20, 2023 |
"Little Dogs" Based on Text from Matthew 15:21-28 |
Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
August 13, 2023 |
"Faith Walker" Based on Text from Matthew 14:22-233 |
Presented by Rev. Keith Enko, Pastor Emeritus | |
August 6, 2023 |
"Are You Hungry?" Based on text from Matthew 14:13-21 |
Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
July 30, 2023 |
"To a Thousand Generations" Based on text from Deuteronomy 7:9 |
Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
July 23, 2023 |
"Why Did You Pull Up All of My Flowers?" Based on text from Matthew 13:30 |
Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
July 16, 2023 |
"Because God Compares Himself to a Lousy Farmer" Based on Matthew 13:3 |
Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
July 9, 2023 |
"Living in Sin or Synergy?" Based on Gospel of Matthew 11:25-30 |
Presented by Rev. Keith Enko, Pastor Emeritus | |
July 2, 2023 | "Solemn Acts of Devotion to God" | Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
June 25, 2023 | "It Is Enough for the Disciple to Be like His Teacher" based on Matthew 10:25 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
June 18, 2023 | "Through One Man" based on text from Romans 5:6-15 | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
June 11, 2023 | "What's in a Name?" from Acts 4:32-37 and Acts 9:26-30 |
Presented by Rev. Keith Enko Pastor Emeritus |
June 4, 2023 | Based on the Athanasian Creed | Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
May 28, 2023 | Based on text from Acts 2:1-12 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
May 21, 2023` | Based on text from 1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:6-11 | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
May 14, 2023 | Based on text from 1 Samuel 1 | Presented by Rev. Keith Enko, Pastor Emeritus | |
May 7, 2023 | Based on Text from 1 Peter 2:2-10 | Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
April 30, 2023 | Based on text from John 10:1-10 | Presented by the Elders | |
April 23 | Based on the text from Luke 24:13-35 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
April 16, 2023 |
Stop Acting Like an Unbeliever |
Basted on text from John 20:19-31 | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus |
April 9, 2023 |
Easter Resurrection Sunday |
Based on the text from John 20:1-18 |
Presented by Rev. James Garnett
April 8, 2023 |
Easter Vigil |
April 7, 2023 |
Good Friday |
Based on Seven Words from the Cross | Presented by Ken Aschenbrenner and Aaron King |
April 6 |
Maundy Thursday |
Based on the Table of the Lord | Presented by Rev. Richard Gaub |
April 2, 2023 |
Palm Sun day |
Based on text from John 12 and the Passion Story | Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus |
March 26, 2023 | "Jesus Loves Empty Graves" | Based on text from John 11:1-45 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus |
March 19, 2023 | Based on the text from John 9:1-7, 13-17, 34-39 | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
March 12, 2023 | Based on the text from John 4:5-26 | Presented by Rev. Christopher Clark | |
March 5, 2023 |
Nic at Night |
Based on the text from John 3:1-17 | Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus |
February 22, 2023 |
Ash Wednes day |
Based on the text from Matthew 6:16-21 | Presented by Rev. Richard Gaub |
February 26, 2023 |
The Big Temptations |
Based on the text from Matthew 4:1-11 | Presented by Rev. Richard Gaub |
February 19, 2023 | Based on the text from Matthew 17:1-9 | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
February 12, 2023 |
The Grumbling Grumbler |
Based on Deuteronomy 30:15-20 | Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus |
February 5, 2023 |
Stay Salty , My Friends |
Based on Matthew 5:13 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus |
January 29, 2023 |
Those Blessed Be atitudes - God's Foolishness and Weakness Are Wiser and Stronger Than Men" |
Based on text from Matthew 5:1-12 | Presented y Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus |
January 22, 2023 | Based on text from Matthew 25:31-40 | Presented by Rev. Roy Maack, Food for the Poor | |
January 15, 2023 | Based on the text from John 1:29-42a | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
January 8, 2023 | Based on the text from Matthew 3:13-17 | Presented by Rev. Christopher Clark | |
January 1, 2023 | Based on the Text from Matthew 2:13-23 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
December 25, 2022 | "When Linus Dropped His Blanket" - Luke 2:10-22 | Presented by Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
December 24, 2022 | Christmas Carols and Readings | Elders and Readers | |
December 18, 2022 | Luke 2 | Presented by the Sunday School Children | |
December 11, 2022 | Based on text from Matthew 11:2-15 | Presented by Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
December 4, 2022 | Based on test from Isaiah 11:1-10 | Presented by Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
November 27, 2022 |
You Must be Ready |
Matthew 24:36-44 |
Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus |
November 20, 2022 | Luke 23:27-43 | Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus | |
November 13, 2022 | "Straighten Up and Raise Your Head" | Luke 21:5-28 | Rev. Bill Wagner, Pastor Emeritus |
November 6, 2022 |
"Gathered with All the Company of Heaven" |
Revelation 7:2-17 | Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus |
October 30, 2022 |
Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone |
Based on the Reformation Story | Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus |
October 23, 2022 | Based on Texts from OT and Gospel | Rev. John Bussman | |
October 16, 2022 |
Answers to Prayer |
Based on Text from Genesis 32:22-30 | Rev. Doug DeWitt, Pastor Emeritus |
October 9, 2022 | Based on Text from 2 Timothy 2:1-13 | Rev. Bill Wagner, Pastor Emeritus | |
October 2 | Based on Text from Luke 17:1-10 | Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
September 25 | Based on Text from Luke 16:19-31 | Rev. James Garnett, Pastor Emeritus | |
September 18, 2022 | Based on Text from Luke 16:1-15 | Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus | |
September 11, 2022 | Based on Text from 1 Timothy 1:5-17 | Rev. Bill Wagner, Pastor Emeritus | |
September 4, 2022 | Based on Text from Luke 14:25-35 | Bob Smith, Elder | |
August 28, 2022 | Based on Text from Luke 14:1-14 |
Rev. Gary Nagy Pastor Emeritus
August 21, 2022 | Based on the Text from Luke 13:22-30 |
Rev. Doug DeWitt Pastor Emeritus |
August 14, 2022 | Based on the Text from Luke 12:49-56 |
Rev. Gary Nagy, Pastor Emeritus |
August 7, 2022 | Based on the Text from Genesis 15:1-6 |
Rev. James Garnett Pastor Emeritus |
July 31, 2022 | Based on Text from Luke 12:13-21 | Elder, Lee Kenny | |
July 24, 2022 | Based on the Text from Luke 11:1-13 | Elder, Alan King | |
July 17, 2022 | Based on Text from Luke 10:38-42 | Elder, Lee Kenny | |
July 10, 2022 | Based on Text from Luke 10:25-37 | Elder, Rick Hilst | |
July 3, 2022 | Based on text from Luke 10:1-20 | Elder, Lee Kenny | |
June 26, 2022 | Based on the text from Luke 9:51-62 | Pastor Emeritus Bernard Ansorge | |
June 19, 2022 | Based on text from Luke 8:26-39 | Elder, Burneal A. Fick | |
June 12, 2022 | Trinity Sunday based on John 8:48-59 | Pastor Emeritus Bernard Ansorge | |
June 5, 2022 | Pentecost Sunday | Elder, Aaron King | |
May 29, 2022 | Recording not Available | Luke 24:44-53 | Pastor Emeritus Bernard Ansorge |
May 22, 2022 | Recording not Available | ||
May 15, 2022 | Revelation 21:1-7 | Pastor Emeritus Bernard Ansorge | |
May 8, 2022 | John 10:22-30 | Pastor Tim Hunze | |
May 1, 2022 |
"Examine the Work of Christ, the Messiah of God" | Pastor Emeritus |
April 24, 2022 | John 20:19-31 | Elder-Led Service | |
April 17, 2022 | Mercy in the Empty Tomb | Pastor Emeritus | |
April 10, 2022 | Mercy in the Palms | Bob Smith, Elder | |
April 6, 2022 | Mercy in Service | Aaron King, Elder | |
April 3, 2022 |
"Believe Him - He Is New" |
Based on Luke 20:9-20 | Pastor Emeritus |
March 30, 2022 | Mercy in Relationships | Elder | |
March 27, 2022 | Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 | Aaron King, Elder | |
March 23, 2022 | "Mercy in Betrayal" | Elder | |
March 20, 2022 | "The Lesson of the Fig Tree" |
Pastor Emeritus Luke 13:1-9 |
March 16, 2022 | Mercy in Suffering | Aaron King, Elder | |
March 13, 2022 | As a Hen Gathers Her Brood | Alan King, Elder | |
March 10, 2022 | Mercy in Temptation | Mike Peebles, Elder | |
March 6, 2022 | Luke 4:1-13 | Pastor Emeritus | |
March 3, 2022 | Joel 2 | Pastor Emeritus Ansorge | |
February 27, 2022 | |||
February 20, 2022 | "Understanding God's Ways through Prayer" | Luke 6:27-38 | Pastor Emeritus Ansorge |
February 6, 2022 | 1 Corinthians 14:12b-20 | Pastor Emeritus Ansorge | |
February 13, 2022 | Luke 6:17-26 | Elder: Aaron King | |
January 30, 2022 | Unavailable | ||
January 23, 2022 | Luke 4:16-30 | Elder: Lee Kenny | |
January 16, 2022 | John 2:1-11 | Bernard Ansorge, Pastor Emeritus | |
January 9, 2022 | Luke 3:15-22 | Elder: Aaron King | |
January 2, 2022 |
Worship Services 2021 Archive
Worship Services 2020 Archive
Worship Services 2019 Archive
Worship Services 2018 Archive