12-29-2019 - "Remember When God Was Your Enemy?" - Matthew 2:13-23 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
12-22-2019 - "Jesus Is Immanuel" - Matthew 1:18-25 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
12-08-2019 - "The Surpisingly Unexpected Advent of Faith" - Isaiah 11:1-10 (Pastor Ansorge)
11-28-2019 - Thanksgiving Day (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
11-24-2019 - "Christ, the King - Unlike Any Other" - Luke 23:27-43 (Pastor Ansorge)
11-17-2019 - "Redemption: God's Way out of a Dead End" - Luke 21:5-28 (Pastor Ansorge)
11-10-2019 - "Where Is the 'I AM' Leading You?" - Luke 12:22-34 (Pastor Ansorge)
11-3-2019 - "Who Are the Saints?" - Revelation 7:2-17 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
10-20-2019 - "Prayers of Faith" - Luke 18:1-8 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
10-06-2019 - "Faith That Moves Mulberry Trees" - Luke 17:1-10 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
9-29-2019 - "Learning from Moses and the Prophets" - Luke 16:19-31 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
9-22-2019 - "Recognizing True Riches" - Luke 16:1-15 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
9-15-2019 - "Joy before the Angels of God" - Luke 15:1-10 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
9-8-2019 - "The Cost of Our Discipleship That Jesus Paid" - Luke 14:25-35 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
8-25-2019 - "Keeping Company Now with the Company of Heaven" - Luke 13:22-30 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
8-18-2019 - "A House Divided?" - Luke 12:49-56 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
8-4-2019 - "Keep the Sabbath Day Holy" - Luke 12:13-21 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
7-14-2019 - "Seeking Answers" - Luke 10:25-37 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
7-7-2019 - "Jesus Sends Us into His Harvest as Sons of Peace" - Luke 10:1-20 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
6-30-2019 - "God Has Set Us Free" - Galatians 5:1, 13-25 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
6-23-2019 - "Children of God" - Galatians 3:23-4:7 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
6-16-2019 - Trinity Sunday - Acts 2:14a, 22-36 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
6-9-2019 -
6-2-2019 - "We Find Our Beginning in the End Times" - Revelation 22:1-20 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
5-26-2019 - (Too long to upload) (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
5-19-2019 - "Sorrow to Joy" - John 16:12-22 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
5-12-2019 - "On Your Faces to Worship the Owner of Salvation" - Revelation 7:9-17 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
5-05-2019 - Confirmation Sunday and 3rd Sunday of Easter (Pastor Colin Ford)
4-28-2019 - 2nd Sunday of Easter (Vicar Tyler Arends)
4-21-2019 - Easter Morning (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
4-14-2019 - "Last Call for Jerusalem" - (Vicar Tyler Arends)
4-7-2019 - "Broken by a Stone OR Crushed by a Cornerstone?" - Luke 20:9-20 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
3-31-2019 - "The Prodigal Son" - Luke15:1-3, 11b-32 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
3-24-2019 - "God's Escape Hatch from Our Sins" - Luke 13:1-9 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
3-17-2019 - "Foxes and Temples" - Luke13:31-35 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
3-10-2019 - "Will You Follow Jesus into the Desert?" - Luke 4:1-13 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
3-3-2019 - Transfiguration Sunday - Luke 9:28-36 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
02-24-2019 - "Hidden from the Wise, Revealed to the Children" - Matthew 11:25-30 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
02-17-2019 - "Using God's Strength" - Jeremiah 17:5-8 (Vicar Tyler Arends) and Choir Selections
02-03-2019 - "When Age Doesn't Matter" - Jeremiah 1:4-10 (Vicar Tyler Arends)
01-27-2019 - "Disappointed by Jesus?" - Luke 4:16-30 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
01-13-2019 - "The Power of Water and the Word" - Luke 3:15-22 (Pastor Bernard Ansorge)
01-06-2019 - Matthew 2:1-12 (Vicar Tyler Arends)