
Monday through Friday - 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Office Hours: 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Phone: (256) 536-5245
DCM: Mrs. Carla Jo Peebles




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December Happenings

December 11 - CDC Christmas Program

December 18 - Santa Rob to Visit Classrooms

December 20 - Party Time!

December 24-25 - Merry Christmas! CDC Closed

January Happenings

January 1 - CDC Closed

January 20 - CDC Closed - MLK Birthday

January 27-31 - Lutheran Schools' Week

Happy New Year!


Devotions from the Director

Perfect Timing 

"The time came for the baby to be born." Luke 2:6

The label said, “Don’t Open Until Christmas,” but the Children couldn’t wait! Patience is a virtue, and we recognize the importance of perfect timing. But we often have a hard time
waiting. This is especially true when we are hurting and want relief, or we are anticipating something special. 

The same holds true in relation to God’s work in our lives. We suffer a loss, wrestle with what seems to be unanswered prayer, or face a spiritual struggle, and soon we cry, “Hurry up, God!” We wonder why God hasn’t acted, and the “delay” often causes us to question God. 

Or how about when we reflect on Christ’s second coming? We eagerly long for a world free from sin, Satan defeated, injustices
set right, and all things made new. So we cry, “Come, Lord Jesus; come quickly.”

For ages believers waited for the birth of the Savior and wondered, “How long?” But God was not slow. He had a plan, and in the fullness of time—when the time was ripe—God sent Jesus. In our lives, as we wait for God’s help or for the second coming, we remember God’s promise that “those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:31). God might not come when we
want, but we can trust him—his timing is perfect.

Lord, we see the present, but you grasp eternity. We view only a part; you understand the whole. Help us to trust your wisdom. Renew us and your world, we pray. Amen.

